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    相关阅读: Illustrator

Illustrator is capable of creating stunning effects, all waiting at your finger tips in the Tools palette. Illustrator Tools can transform a single path into a work of art.

In this post we present a collection of excellent Adobe Illustrator tutorials that shows you exactly what needs to be done in order to create professional artworks using which tool and option. These tools and effects may or may not be new to you, but i am sure you will find interesting.

You might be interested to check other related posts for more useful illustrator tutorials:

“Pen” Tool


This comprehensive guide aims to introduce or remind you of features, shortcuts, and methods for working with what is arguably Adobe’s most essential tool, the pen tool.


The first thing that you need to master and become proficient in is the Pen tool. Checkout this tutorial for more tips.


This is an in-depth beginner tutorial of the Adobe Illustrator pen tool.

“Magic Wand” Tool


With the Magic Wand Tool (Y), you select an object and the tool will select every object with similar attributes. The real benefit of using the Magic Wand Tool (Y) comes when setting the tolerance levels.

“3D Revolve” Tool


How to create a 3D push pin with the 3D Revolve Tool. We’ll learn how to apply highlights and create shadows for a more realistic effect and add a paper note to it

“Live Trace” Tool


If you’re after advanced control on how Live Trace will trace your image then this info can come in handy.


This article will show you how to use Illustrator’s Live Trace tool. Live Trace will allow you to completely convert photographs and other raster graphics into Vector graphics!


The live trace tool enables you to change photos into vector-based drawings, allowing you to resize any image without losing quality. Learn how to use live trace in Adobe Illustrator in this video tutorial.

“Gradient Mesh” Tool


How to create a pair of cherries solely with the Gradient Mesh tool. If you’re not familiar with the Gradient Mesh tool, then this is a great tutorial to learn how to start using it.


A Tutorial on using the Gradient Mesh tool in Adobe Illustrator.


How to create a realistic curtain using the gradient mesh tool.


How to use the Mesh tool to simulate nature’s way of colorizing things—in this case, a fallen leaf.



“Spiral” Tool


One of the most intriguing tools in Adobe Illustrator is the Spiral tool, because of the mysterious terms used in its dialog box. Words like Radius, Decay, and Segments. Follow the simple steps to solve the mysteries of this intriguing dialog box for yourself.


This tutorial will cover some of the techniques you can use to create your own beautiful swirls and flourishes.

“Wrap” Tool


Here is a quick way to create wood grain effect using the warp tools in illustrator.


“Selection” Tool


Selecting shapes, objects, points etc is of primary importance when working in Illustrator. Knowing which selection tool is appropriate to use can prove quite time saving. So here us a brief explaination of the selection possibilities available in Illustrator.

“Symbol Sprayer” Tool


A nice tutorial to teach you how to draw a tree in full Spring, a very green one with details too so that you actually see the leafs. This would be one of the many situations where the Symbol Spaying Tool can be of assistance.


This tutorial will show you how to illustrate Chinese bamboo with Illustrator Symbol Sprayer and Mesh Tool.

“Rotate” Tool


The rotate tool is one of the most important in illustrator, it allows you to create great patterns


Learn how to use the Rotate function to make a credit card.

“Pathfinder and Align tool” Tool



With a bit of creative thinking and some simple aligning with Pathfinder’s powerful tools you might just achieve the perfect drawing in no time. Here is a nice Illustrator tutorial where you will learn how to draw a simple icon without the use of the Pen tool.

“Brush” Tool


ILLUSTRATOR’S BRUSHES are an illustrator’s dream. They combine the ability to draw variable, freehand brushstrokes or apply a pattern or objects to a path with all the advantages of vector graphics - i.e. small file sizes, resizability, and crisp output. Here is a little tutorial to teach you a little more about basic brush functions



Learn how to create 2 types of brushes that can be used to create the grunge effect.


How to create custom Art Brushes in Adobe Illustrator.

“Reshape” Tool


Illustrator’s “Reshape” tool can come in very handy in a variety of situations. In a nutshell, the Reshape tool allows you to drag a single point on a path and it tries to retain the overall shape of the entire path, while you only move the one anchor point. Checkout this tutorial to get more natural adjustments with the reshape tool.

“Envelope Distort” tool


In this tutorial you will see how to use envelope tool to create a Disco Ball , You will also utilize Twirl and Crystallize tool to understand its options .

“Blend” Tool


A tutorial with a lot of examples of different kinds of shapes and effects that the blend tool is capable of.


This tutorial shows you how to make hi-tech style abstract background with Illustrator Blend Tool.


Learn how to create stylish vector/line flower with Illustrator Blend Tool. This Adobe Illustrator tutorial is great for creating background and large print illustration.


This tutorial is about using Illustrator’s blend tool to create some really interesting design effects.

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